

Assisted Living

We provide assisted living services for residents who need assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing, grooming, dressing, eating and medication management. Our focus on physical and emotional wellness keeps residents functioning as independently as possible. Residents enjoy beautifully appointed surroundings, nutritious and delicious meals, engaging social recreational activities, scheduled transportation services, and personalized assistance and care.

Hospice Care

We offer hospice care designed to provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support to residents who enter with or develop end-of-life needs. Our focus is centered on providing symptom management for comfort and quality of life during the final phases of our residents’ lives. Our goal is to enable our residents to be comfortable and free of pain so that they live each day as fully as possible.

Our hospice care is provided by a qualified, third party hospice provider, along with Arcadia Living's team members that ensure that the needs of the family and the residents’ wishes are met during these challenging times.

Respite Care

Respite care provides temporary assistance and relief to family members who are caregivers to their loved ones. Residents in our respite program enjoy delicious meals, personal assistance with activities of daily living, social, educational, and recreational programs, and access to trained staff available 24 hours a day. This is a great option for family members who need to go out on a business trip or vacation, or simply need a short break from caring for their elderly loved ones. With Arcadia Living’s respite program you can be assured that your loved ones’ needs will be met when you are unavailable to do so.

Adult Day Program

Arcadia Living’s Adult Day Program is designed to provide care and companionship for seniors who need assistance or supervision during the day. Our program offers relief to family members or caregivers, who cannot care for their loved ones during work hours for example, by giving them peace of mind in knowing that their loved ones are cared for in a secure environment with socialization, activities, and meals, while they are at work.